It is our Vision to bring world-class Healthcare to the growing regional population of the Illawarra and South Coast of NSW whilst providing a high quality medical resource, facilitating education and research of national and international standards.
We are developing a major Tertiary Referral Hospital and Health Care Precinct.
Establishing the “John Hopkins of the Southern Hemisphere”.
Providing for the vertical integration of Indigenous Health Services, their training and employment positions.
Going beyond excellence in every field and achieving this from the ground up. We have achieved this through a 5 Star Green Star Rating and by designing buildings that are not only aesthetically pleasing but are functional and maintenance free by choice of materials.
Ensuring ambience is compatible with a healing environment.
Ensuring internal design, format and floor plan is in keeping with best practice guidelines and with the needs of people working within this environment.
Being built as a Stage Project so that the appropriate systems and people can be brought onboard to ensure effective outcomes. Never compromising patient outcome in favour of economical viability.
Servicing the population of the South Coast of New South Wales and beyond.
Providing a high quality medical resource to national and international standards.
Providing a hospital that is cultural specific for aboriginal people including their employment opportunities.
Providing Veteran Affairs and Returned Soldiers a unified health delivery unit. This includes the training of rapid deployment trauma and surgical support units, assisting joint health command by always having ICU beds available for members of the Armed Services flown home from War Zones or Helicopter transfer off ships returning to Jervis Bay, NSW to our onsite CASA and Air Services approved Heli Pad.
Establish an Aged Care and Special Care Facility which has separate wings that are ethnic specific with bilingual staff including wings devoted to youth in a Nursing Home (not inappropriately housed in Aged Care).
Providing the registration (internship) training year where it can no longer be accommodated in the public system.
Providing ongoing training for registrars and liaising with the specialist medical colleges.
Liaising with Universities to provide under graduate training and rotation through the various disciplines of medicine.
Ensuring accreditation for all psychiatric services (including Schedule 2) and having outreach programs dealing with abuse and addiction in society.
Ensuring all patient care by GPs with specialist referral for complex procedures. This ensures specialists perform at the upper echelon of their training and in a diminishing workforce this leads to a greater productivity.
Establishing integrated E-Health across the Precinct, eliminating medication error and Cloud Computing incorporating patients personal health vaults and/or personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR).
The IHP Brochure
Download Our PDF Brochure for more information on the project.