A Purpose-built specialist medical facility boasting a 5 STAR GREEN STAR rating, whilst facilitating the very latest state of art operative health delivery. Providing training and education for medical students and registrars. 5,852m2 of floor space (net) has been set aside for professional suits and training areas inclusive of pharmacy and café.
6 theatres, 22 Stage 1 recovery beds, 44 Stage 2 recovery chairs, 4 ICU beds, 4 HDU beds, 46 overnight beds and 5x 23hr license beds. In addition, the dedicated overnight rooms can facilitate Mental Health and Radio Ablative Therapy as radioactive holding facilities have been incorporated in the design.
This stage offers a unique one off opportunity for medical practitioners to secure a lease of professional suites and consulting rooms. The design and modelling of this building and its synergistic links across the Precinct will allow Specialists and Allied Health Professionals to carry out the full extent of their discipline without leaving the site and wasting time travelling to multiple sites.
World Class Multidisciplinary Operative Health Delivery

Functional integration of all Specialists along with the Allied Health Professionals and Nurses working together to deliver holistic health care with superior outcomes.
Drawn together - Medical professionals, Allied Health Professionals and our dedicated management team within the Precinct ensures your practice flourishes and continues providing a sustainable income on your investment.